Alumini Panel Blog

Recap of a very successful Girls in Computer Science Event

Tanisha Patil

Empowering Future Tech Leaders: Insights from Del Norte High School's Alumni Panel

Blog by Tanisha Patil (Vice President of Girls in Computer Science Del Norte High School)

image The Girls in Computer Science club at Del Norte High School recently hosted an enlightening panel discussion that drew an impressive crowd of 200 eager students. This event, showcasing accomplished alumni from the school's Computer Science program, shed light on the remarkable journeys of these individuals as they navigated the world of computer science, propelling themselves into internships, prestigious universities, and early successful careers.

image The panelists in attendance brought their diverse experiences to the table, making the event all the more impactful:

  • Anthony Vo: An intern at Viasat and a Computer Science and Quantitative Economics student at the University of California, Irvine.

  • Colin Szeto: An intern at Northrop Grumman who pursued a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, San Diego.

  • Mabel Szeto: An intern at Northrop Grumman who majored in Cognitive Science with a Specialization in Machine Learning and Neural Computation at the University of California, San Diego.
  • _Tristan Copley: _A full-time Software Engineer at Zenith LG who earned an Associate's Degree in Computer Science from San Diego Miramar College.

image The alumni were living proof that the skills honed in Computer Science Principles (CSP) and Computer Science A (CSA) courses at Del Norte, serve as a launchpad into a world of opportunities. Their experiences echoed the sentiment that concepts like project-based learning and the AGILE methodology are not just academic exercises but practical tools that can push aspiring tech learners into the professional realm.

As the Vice President of the Girls in Computer Science club, I had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the impact this panel had on our students. It is now common knowledge that the admissions process to top universities in the realm of computer science is not only competitive, but daunting. One attendee, a current CSA student, was particularly inspired by the panelists' accounts of applying for college, which illuminated the fierce competition in Computer Science departments at universities. This newfound perspective motivated them to consider majoring in Computer Science, aiming high, and believing in their ability to succeed. One audience member reflects, “Overall, this presentation was very helpful, and I’m glad I attended it. Walking out of that room, I felt 2x more prepared and knowledgeable about my future in this field, and what I can do to achieve that future ”. Another student said “I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to attend this Student Panel… and I am thankful for the Girls in CS club for hosting this special event.”

What made this event even more impactful was the diversity represented on the panel. Seeing such a diverse group of successful individuals in the tech industry served as an incredible reminder and motivation for our students. It reinforced the idea that the tech field is open to everyone, regardless of their background or identity. Events like these are perfect to inspire kids of all ages to join the tech field, showing them that there's a place for them and a world of exciting possibilities.

As we look to the future, we encourage everyone to keep an eye out for upcoming Girls in Computer Science events. Our club has a proven track record of making a significant impact, and we are committed to making even bigger waves in the coming year. The seeds of success have been sown, and with your support, we aim to cultivate a future generation of diverse tech leaders who will shape the world with innovation. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the panelists for taking the time to share their wisdom and experiences, and we invite you all to join us in this exciting journey. Together, we can build a brighter future in the world of technology.