Demo/Summary Video

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Creating Backend Endpoints - Backend

  • My contributions in java was setting up and creating the backend api. This is meant to contain all of the cards, or data in our project.
  • CardGeneration, Service , controller, main, jpa repository, classes
  • One improvement that was suggested in an earlier review was to create a larger dataset to demonstrate the varying complexities of the sorting algorithms better, so I changed the dataset from containing 52 records (like a deck) to 500 cards.

Generation and Service Classes:

public class CardGeneration {

    CommandLineRunner commandLineRunner(
        CardJpaRepository repository) {
            return args -> {
            List<Card> cards = new ArrayList<>();

            for (int rank = 1; rank <= 500; rank++) {
                Card card = new Card(rank);


public class CardService {

    private final CardJpaRepository cardRepository;

    public CardService(CardJpaRepository cardRepository) {
        this.cardRepository = cardRepository;

    public List<List<Card>> splitCardsRandomly(List<Card> cards) {
        // Shuffle the cards randomly

        // Split the cards into two halves
        int halfSize = cards.size() / 2;

        List<Card> firstHalf = new ArrayList<>(cards.subList(0, halfSize));
        List<Card> secondHalf = new ArrayList<>(cards.subList(halfSize, cards.size()));

        List<List<Card>> splitCards = new ArrayList<>();

        return splitCards;
// commit change 

    public void saveCards(List<Card> cards) {
  • Java Fundamental: class extension can be seen in JPA repository file. JPA repository is an interface which is a part of the Spring Data repository support and provides methods for common database operations (like save, delete, findById, etc.) without the need for manual implementation. The use of this class extension was very helpful!
public interface CardJpaRepository extends JpaRepository<Card, Long> {
    void save(String Card); 
    List<Card> findByIdIgnoreCase(Long id);

Endpoint: image

Postman: image

Key Commit Backend

Creating Test Analysis File - Frontend

  • I also created this analysis file on the frontend order to do testing calls with my backend endpoints.
  • The testing I did with my api, was incorporated into the final sorting file.


  • Link to testing file

Key Commit Frontend

Commit History

Frontend: image Backend: image


I plan to add something like ranks so I could add a compareto method as mentioned by Mort in indicator tech talk. Additionally I would create cards as objects with rank and suit variables instead of using an imperative generation method. However we were sort of in a time crunch because we did ideation incorrectly.