Five Highlight Projects

AP Score Predictor ~ an analysis on key indicators

  • Demonstrated my ability to create unique systems that are very applicable
  • Students will find this interesting and motivating
  • Performs an analysis on key indicators such as collaboration and AGILE skills, which we value in the computer science field.

Pocket Therapist ~ full stack development and data management

  • ML in frontend, and quotes database in backend . Both which I created.
  • I experienced the full frontend to backend pipeline. I used rapid API and chatgpt for quote generation.
  • I developed the model on a kaggle dataset
  • Quotes were then called to frontend to match output of emotion recognizer -> I wrote the requests and created testing files
  • I also created the endpoints on the backend

ML Fitness Lesson ~ Machine Learning

  • Created a simple introduction to machine learning blog
  • Blog is a topic of interest to teens, strategically interests highschoolers
  • Project aims to show the applicability of ML to various of interesting fields
  • Step by step of creating a model. Very thorough, from data preprocessing to validation steps.

Age/Gender Predictor and Landmark Detection ~ Emerging and visual technologies

  • Visual ML are always a hit at n@tm!
  • Developed in JS , a language that I try to practice as often as possible
  • Deployed demo
  • Shows skills in emerging visual technologies, facial landmark detection

KASM User Management System

  • Uses flask, I started from scratch for this one
  • Many features including protected passwords, session variables
  • Different roles and accessibility for admin and users
  • Shows advanced understanding and ability to work with data

My Skills Beyond Coding


I have been vice president of Girls in Computer Science and now I am president. I have had to display leadership skills when conducting workshops, when managing social media, and when delegating roles. This leadership requires communication, collaboration, and organization. All of these are qualities which I display which is why last year Girls in Computer Science was able to accomplish incredibly things :

  • two panels
  • three workshops
  • one international app competition
  • one hackaton
  • worked to build digital literacy ciriculum with PUSD Common Sense Tech Department


I have never been a ‘slacker’. Ever since I have been in this class, while it was hard at first I have given my 110%. At the begining I just wanted to prove to myself that I could do it but now I have really become passionate about what I do. For this reason I have accountability in every project and always do my best to communicate when things are behind.

Creative Learner

Being a begininer when I was first introduced to this class was a blessing in disguise. I was able to meet and learn from so many intelligent and talented people. A few people that come to mind are Drew, Safin, Rachit, and Vidhi. I will always learn from those around me and take in their good qualities. I have much to learn but I am eager to do so.

Great Experiences

Link to internships


  1. N@TM Link …. We’ve come a long way since this day!
  2. CTE Fair : Being able to see other disciplines of science was rewarding. But having the oppurtunity to work on my presentation skills with people of a large variety of levels of understanding was challneging and a great growth oppurtunity. Being able to explain and sell your work is incredibly important and something I gained and will keep with me as I go into the tech world.