
AP Score Predictor

AP Score Predictor is a mini-project that takes in binary input of student indicators such as work habits, attendance, and collaboration along with factors such as letter grade to create Random Forest Association and predict AP Score!

  • Data
  • Machine Learning
  • Random Forest

Pocket Therapist

Your Pocket Therapist uses an AI Face algorithm to accurately understand the user's emotions and provide advice/quotes in response. Credit to: Tanisha Patil, Vivian Ni

  • Data
  • Machine Learning
  • Spring

ML Fitness Project

Machine learning exploration on fitness data and calorie prediction using pandas DF. This has many applications into real-world situations of nutritionists and medical professionals.

  • Machine Learning
  • Data
  • Pandas

ML Age/Gender Detector

Exploration of CV and intersection with machine learning. This project predicts age and gender of the user based on 64 facial landmarks. Feel free to test the model!

  • Machine Learning
  • Data
  • CV

KASM V2 User Management System

Developed frontend for user management as well as backend system separate for admins and users. This management system is meant to ease the process of educators using KASM servers to aid students without access to personal devices in order to support their learning.

  • Flask
  • Data
  • Python

Biopsy Classifier

A regression model that can determine whether a breast cancer sample is malignant or benign.

  • Data
  • Machine Learning
  • Python

Transit Photometry

Co-authored presentation, led team in creating 99.87% accuracy C-neural network to predict transit photometry for exoplanet discovery.

  • CNN
  • AI
  • Graphical Analysis

GDP v. CO2

Analysis on correlation between GDP & CO2 emissions to advocate for policies that address the impact of economic growth on the earth.

  • Data
  • Python
  • Regression


App utilizes Python with Plotly and GeoJSON data to generate an interactive choropleth map visualizing county unemployment rates.

  • Plotly
  • JSON
  • Python