Grading 1

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose/ Function 1 0 The person did not distinguish between program purpose and functionality. The person only described functionality
Data Abstraction 1 1 Includes two code segments, implements a list for a desired function
Managing Complexity 0 0 The provided explanation did not support how the use of a list would manage the program’s complexity. The use of a list did not have any benefit or advantage to fixing errors in the code over something else such as a variable.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 A procedure, ratioCalculate was defined and called. Person also described how the procedure is used and relted to the overall function of the program.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Program uses all three: sequencing,selection (if), and iteration (through a list)
Testing 1 1 Program is tests and when functions are called they properly run.

Grading 2

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose/ Function 1 1 The person distinguished
between program purpose and
functionality. Had a clear purpose
and clear function.
Data Abstraction 1 1 mplements three lists: startGrid,
currentGrid and nextGrid.
Managing Complexity 1 1 The provided explanation
supports how the use of a list
would manage the program's
complexity by explaining how the
use of variables or other resources
would be inefficient. The use of a list
did have great benefit.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 A procedure, resetall
was defined and called.
The function is used to
simply reset the game. Also,
newGen was defined which copies
information from the old generation to
the new one.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Program uses all three: sequencing,
selection (if), and iteration (through
a list)
Testing 1 1 Program is tests and when functions are
called they properly run. Clearly describe
results in written report as well.