End of yr reflection - Tanisha Patil

Skills you have obtained:

Throughout the year , I have gotten many new skills in computer science. I would say I have gained proficiency in Python and learned so many new things about HTML and JS. I have been exposed to so many ideas about programming like. API’s, the SCRUM process, AGILE methodology and more. More importantly I have developed problem-solving abilities by tackling programming challenges throughout the year. I have been forced to step outside of my comfort zone at times to solve problems in ways I have never thought of before. I have learned about data structures, algorithms, software development methodologies, and database management. Overall, I have developed a strong foundation in computer science principles and programming skills, but more importantly I have developed skills in collaboration, time management, and problem solving skills.

Highs and lows from the year:

This year has been filled with highs and lows in my computer science journey. On the high side, I have experienced the satisfaction of solving complex programming problems and witnessing my code come to life. I have experienced the ‘high’ of successfully implementing algorithms to solve real-world challenges and have learned to push myself in the hacks. I have noticed that in the beginning I had aimed for the 2.7 but recently I have been really trying to go the extra mi.e. Collaborating with peers on group projects has also been a highlight. However, there have also been lows. There were moments of frustration when I encountered challenges in syntax or errors that were unfamiliar to me. Sometimes, managing deadlines and balancing multiple assignments and projects became overwhelming. However, these lows have provided valuable learning experiences.

Future plans with CompSci:

In the future, I plan to further deepen my knowledge in computer science. I would like to explore specialized areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. I aspire to work on innovative projects that leverage emerging technologies and contribute to advancements in the field. I plan to stay updated with the latest industry trends and continue expanding my skill set . While my major and career path are sort of undecided, I know that computer science will be beneficial to me in whatever I do.

Future plans in Education/Career:

In terms of education and career, I have a strong interest in pursuing a master’s degree in some engineering/science/math field to expand my knowledge and gain expertise. I aim to work in a challenging environment where I can apply my skills and contribute to cutting-edge projects. I aspire to take up leadership roles and work on research and development in technology. Also, I am open to exploring opportunities in academia, where I can share knowledge through research as that is something I have enjoyed doing so far.


As a computer science enthusiast, I have developed a passion for promoting inclusivity in the field. I believe in the power of technology to drive positive social change. In the future, I plan to actively participate in initiatives that encourage underrepresented groups to pursue computer science careers. I aim to advocate for inclusivity within the tech industry. Additionally, I plan on staying updated with the latest advancements in computer science ethics .