score = 0
username = input('Enter your name:')

print('Hello, ' + username)
ready = input("This quiz will test your knowledge of python vocabulary. It is four questions long. Are you ready to take the test? Answer yes or no")
if ready == 'yes':
    print("Great, let's get started")
    print("Don't worry, you'll do great")

#question 1: 
answer_1 = input("Question 1: What is a statement containing if or if/else called?")
if answer_1 == 'conditional':
    print("Correct! Time for the next question")
    score = score + 1
    print("No! That is incorrect")
#question 2: 
answer_2 = input("Question 2: Fill in the blank: ___ is a datatype with only two possible values; true or false")
if answer_2 == 'boolean':
    print("Correct! Time for the next question")
    score = score + 1
    print("No! That is incorrect")
#question 3: 
answer_3 = input("Question 3: What should you write before a function to DEFine it")
if answer_3 == 'def':
    print("Correct! Time for the next question")
    score = score + 1
    print("No! That is incorrect")
#question 4: 
answer_4 = input("Question 4: What can you use to store values?")
if answer_4 == 'variable':
    print("Correct! Time for the next question")
    score = score + 1
    print("No! That is incorrect")

if score >= 3:
    print("Congrats! You finished the quiz and did so well! Your score is: {}/4" .format(score))
    print("Congrats! You finished the quiz. Your score is: {}/4. Better luck next time" .format(score))
Hello, Tanisha
Great, let's get started
No! That is incorrect
Correct! Time for the next question
Correct! Time for the next question
No! That is incorrect
Congrats! You finished the quiz. Your score is: 2/4. Better luck next time