Ideas for Performance Task:

  • Languages Translator: user selects language, take user input, checks it against a previously stored dictionary, outputs appropriate translation
  • Pixel Art : user input of characteristics: color/brush size/location , output pixel displayed wit correct characteristics
  • Graphing Calculator: user input of equation, output of graph
  • Citation Machine: user input of type of citation, source name/author/etc , output of complete citation


Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

Assesses students’ ability to explain how a code segment or program functions. (Skill: Code Analysis) For 3a, make sure to differentiate between program purpose and function They are defined in the scoring guidelines

Row 2: Data Abstraction

Assesses students’ ability to use abstraction to manage complexity in a program. (Skill Abstraction in Program Development - data)

Row 3: Managing Complexity

Assesses students’ ability to explain how abstraction manages complexity. (Skill Abstraction in Program Development explain complexity) Be specific about how the program manages complexity in the context of your own program

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

Assesses students’ ability to use abstraction to manage complexity in a program. (Skill Abstraction in Program Development - procedures/functions) Must be a student-developed procedure

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

Assesses students’ ability to implement and apply an algorithm. (Skill Algorithms and Program Development) ## Row 6: Testing Assesses students’ ability to investigate the situation, context,or task. (Skill Computational Solution Design - testing)