Vocabulary and Main Ideas

Insights of Happiness:

  • You can control your happiness
  • Life circumstances do not dictate our happiness
  • Takes daily effort and work to be happier


    Yale professor explains that students are filled with stress.

  • 40% college students have more than the average level of stress
  • 1/3 students are depressed to the point of lessened functionality
  • 40% are hopeless

  • This class in yale was very hepful. 1/4 students at yale took this course
  • 80% are overwhelmed

    Healthy Practices matter

  • sleep
  • exercise
  • welth in time > wealth in money
  • make time for gratitude
  • help other people to get enjoyment for yourself
  • have social connection
  • be present

    Gratitude List

    I am greatful for my:

  • my brother
  • family
  • painting
  • music, piano
  • my home country, india
  • my best friends
  • field hockey
  • teachers
  • mine and my family’s health

    My 3 Goals

  • sleep more
  • eat fulfilling food and more often and excercise
  • help my friends and family more