Performance Task Scoring 1

Grading 1.1

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose/ Function 1 0 The person did not distinguish between program purpose and functionality. The person only described functionality
Data Abstraction 1 1 Includes two code segments, implements a list for a desired function
Managing Complexity 0 0 The provided explanation did not support how the use of a list would manage the program’s complexity. The use of a list did not have any benefit or advantage to fixing errors in the code over something else such as a variable.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 A procedure, ratioCalculate was defined and called. Person also described how the procedure is used and relted to the overall function of the program.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Program uses all three: sequencing,selection (if), and iteration (through a list)
Testing 1 1 Program is tests and when functions are called they properly run.

Grading 1.2

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose/ Function 1 1 The person distinguished
between program purpose and
functionality. Had a clear purpose
and clear function.
Data Abstraction 1 1 mplements three lists: startGrid,
currentGrid and nextGrid.
Managing Complexity 1 1 The provided explanation
supports how the use of a list
would manage the program's
complexity by explaining how the
use of variables or other resources
would be inefficient. The use of a list
did have great benefit.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 A procedure, resetall
was defined and called.
The function is used to
simply reset the game. Also,
newGen was defined which copies
information from the old generation to
the new one.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Program uses all three: sequencing,
selection (if), and iteration (through
a list)
Testing 1 1 Program is tests and when functions are
called they properly run. Clearly describe
results in written report as well.

Performance Task Scoring 2

Grading 2.1

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose/ Function 0 0 The person did not distinguish between program purpose and functionality. The person only described the function of the program.
Data Abstraction 0 0 Includes two code segments, But the code segments are of two different lists. The second code segment should show how the first list is being implemented in the program to meet its purpose.
Managing Complexity 0 0 Code segment not provided, explanation claims that using a list manages complexity but does not explain why.
Procedural Abstraction 1 0 I thought the student got the point because the function, Evaluateguess has one parameter, 'guess' but college board did not score it that way because the person did not explain how the code segment contrbuted to the overall purpose of the program
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 Program uses all three: sequencing,selection (if), and iteration (through Evaluate list function), but criteria says to explain process in enough detail that somebody else could recreate it. The response was not very detailed
Testing 1 1 Program is tests and when functions are called they properly run. Two different tests are run with dog and mouse, showing their appropriate outputs.

Grading 2.2

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose/ Function 1 1 Purpose, fucntionality, and input/output are stated. Video shows the program function properly and display the outputs predicted.
Data Abstraction 1 1 nounList is used, and later called in the selectWord procedure. Response explains the purpose of this list for the overall program.
Managing Complexity 1 1 Shows use of nounList. nounList is called in a later procedure, selctWord as a paramter. Person explained how the use of list enables 'efficient random selection' and explains how without the list, multiple variables would have to be used and called, making the program inefficient.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Procedure, createPoems is shown in response. Response explains how this procedure incorporates all previous user input to display the final poem. Then the person clearly explains the functionality of the procedure.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Algorithm is within createPoems function, and includes all three: sequencing, iterations(while), and selection (if). The response describes how the algorithms and procedure works in detail that it can be recreated.
Testing 1 1 Testing describes outputs of two calls, one including articles and one without including articles. Both successful outputs are portrayed according to their specific inputs.

Grading 2.3

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose/ Function 1 0 I thought the response described both the purpose and function, but it only describes the function of the program. The program runs successfully.
Data Abstraction 1 1 Response included two code segments. The first one shows firstChracterList being defined. The second segment shows the list being used in the function findWinner.
Managing Complexity 1 1 Shows how use of firstCharacterlist condenses the program. Allows simple iteration through the list rather than storage in 7 variables.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Procedure findWinner with parameters character1 and character2 are shown. Procedure's function and purpose, to determine hypothetical winner, are clearly described.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Algorithm is within findWinner function. It includes sequencing , selection(if) and interation (for). Response is explained in detailed manner, so much so that it can be recreated.
Testing 1 1 Testing describes outputs of two calls, one between Vision and Bishop and the other between Carnage and Venom. First call displays a winner output, and the second one displays a tie output. COnditions for each call are clearly explained

Grading 2.4

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose/ Function 1 1 Program runs correctly. Input is user entered letters. Output are the letter appearing on the screen, color coordinated based on their correctness. The purpose is to test critical thinking skills and functionality was described in the response.
Data Abstraction 1 0 List guesses is showed in first segment. I thought it was being used in the second code segment, but it's length was only being assessed, which apparently doesn't contribute to the program's overall function.
Managing Complexity 1 0 Shows how use of guesses list condenses the program. I thought the list helped mangae complexity by deceasing the amount of variables needed, but the list only functions as a counter.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Program isitcorrect with parameter checkanswer is shown. Explains when the procedure is needed, showing how it contributes to the program's overall functionality.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Algorithm is within isitcorrect function. It includes sequencing , selection(if) and interation (for). Response is explained in detailed manner, so much so that it can be recreated.
Testing 0 0 Testing response doesn't really test different outputs from the program, but rather tests the color of the blocks which are more of a condition. The conditions are what should be varied to give different outputs in the two calls. The video shows this completely but the response lacks it.

Performance Task Scoring 3

Grading 3.1

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose/ Function 1 1 User Input is rock, paper, or scissors. The output is you win, you lose or draw. The functionality is described through relationship of inputs and purpose is used to make a decision.
Data Abstraction 0 0 List RPS is shown, but data is not used in the second code segment. Overall contriution to purpose of program is not shown.
Managing Complexity 0 0 Code segment provided, but explanation proves that there is another wayfor this to program to run without a list. does not explain how using RPS is managing complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 0 0 rpsGame is passed with one parameter. How the function contributes to the overall program purpose is not explicitly stated.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 rpsGame has sequencing. selection, and iteration.Response describes how conditionals are used (if)
Testing 1 1 Program is tests and when functions are called they properly run. Two different tests are run with input:paper/rock and input:rock/paper, showing their appropriate outputs, youwin and youlose.

Grading 3.2

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose/ Function 1 1 Purpose, fucntionality, and input/output are stated. Video shows the program function properly and display the outputs predicted.
Data Abstraction 1 1 letOfGuessWord list is defined. Response identifies that list has each letter of word user will guess
Managing Complexity 1 1 letOfGuessWord list is used to make it more efficient because otherwise 5 more variables would have to be made.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Algorithm is within createPoems function, and includes all three: sequencing, iterations(while), and selection (if). The response describes how the algorithms is made in detail that it can be recreated.
Testing 1 1 Testing describes outputs of two calls, with 1 and h in the word hello. The first call returns false and the second returns true.

Grading 3.3

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose/ Function 1 1 Purpose and functionality are stated clearly. Video shows user input.
Data Abstraction 0 0 stateList is the list name. List is not used to store any data.
Managing Complexity 1 0 Does not explain why using a list is the least complex method. I thought the explanation was detailed enough, but it was 'overly general' accroding to college board.
Procedural Abstraction 0 0 Procedure updateScreen has no parameter. Procedure is not shown being called.
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 Does not include iteration.
Testing 0 0 Two different conditions are not tested by the user. Results of each call are not specified.

Grading 3.4

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose/ Function 1 1 Program has clearly satated function, purpose, and input/output
Data Abstraction 1 1 fishTypes list is set and accessed to represent type and number of fish caught.
Managing Complexity 1 1 Explains how adding fish or changing the program requires minimum effort withh a list rather than having to create a whole new variable.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 clone movement has fie parameters and is called successfully.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Includes sequencing, iteration, and selection
Testing 0 0 Testing response doesn't really test different input from the program, but rather tests condtions like the game mode and amount of fish . The conditions are what should be varied to give different outputs in the two calls.

Reflection 3

Overall my scores were very similar to the college board scores. One major discrpancy is college board's standards when they ask for a specific explanation. For example, a procedure shoudl be explained so clearly that one could redo it. A lack of detail in the explanations can cause a loss of full points for any section. Also in testing, the program must be tested and must display two different corresponding inputs and outputs. I will ensure to take careful consideration of these things and especially pay attention to details when writing my own descriptions.