Night of the Museum was a very fun but also eye opening experience.

Presenting our Project

Night at the Museum gave us an oppurtunity to present our projects to others. Our was about music which is something we were passionate about and others were as well. Our project had interactive elements but may have been too personal. We recieved alot of feedback and features that we could have added. It is important to present your project and hear from multiple users and gain perspective to create a product that is universal and lacks bias!

Seeing Other’s Projects

Seeing other people’s projects was just as good of an experience. Peoples ideas and passions really shone through. Visually many projects were satisfying to look at and many had user interaction. But most importantly, seeing other’s ideas gave us ideas for improvement in our own project. Getting inspiration from others is always helpful.

Final Reflection

Overall Night of the Museum was a really helpful learning experience. Getting user feedback and gaining inspiration are all part of the process of creating a successful final product. In the future, I now know that utilizing user feedback into my decisions while creating products is important. Overall I have learned so much in this class, not only coding related, but also collaboration, and persistance. I can’t wait for what’s to come in Tri 2. Thank you Mr. Mort!!