1.1 Collaboration

Think Pair Share :

Team Collab

Notes on Collaboration :

  • Computing innovation: integrates the use of a program in order to function
  • Collaboration is necessary in order to avoid bias, and have new perspectives in development. This is clearly shown in the differences between Super Mario Bro 2 and 3
  • Collaboration teaches skills like: communication, negotiation, conflict resolution, consensus building
  • Pair programming: is when two people work as a pair on a program together. One types code while other observes and looks for errors
  • Think Pair Share: is when you think on your own, think with a partner, and then share with a larger group
  • You can collaborate using repl, github, shared doc, comments in code

1.2 Program Function and Purpose

  • All computing innovations are developed for a purpose and this purpose guides the development of the program
  • Computer programs take inputs in a variety of fashions to influence the program’s behavior
  • Computer programs: collection of statements that are executed according to the rules of the programming language

    Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

  • Input: Artist Name and Album
  • Output: Album duration, album song names, number of songs, album cover photo The purpose of this program is to provide users with data about their favorite artists including their albums, songs, and album duration and allow them to choose their favorite artists.

1.3 Program Design and Development

  • Computer programs are developed with a systematic approach to achieve a desired purpose
  • Programs are developed by groups of people and new prgrams are often written by expaning on the programs already written by others
  • Programmers can use comments/ documentation (short descriptions) to explain the purpose of their program to themselves, collaboraters, and others involved

    Row 2: Data Abstraction

    Data about song and artists stored in dictionary which is retrieved using API

Row 3: Managing Complexity

use a function to read user input and only provide wanted album information allowing user to use favorites tab to organize the artists they enjoy

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

using artist[album], retrieve only wanted data from the dictionary. call developed function to run based on user input.

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

develop algorithim to count number of songs in album given API data algorithm to create ‘favorite artists’ tab, where users - can select their favorite artists to be saved in a seperate section of the application

Row 6: Testing

Input multiple artists and album. See if each selected data type displays proper data. Add artists to ‘favorites’ and see if that data is stored

1.4 Identifying and Correcting Errors

  • Errors are inevitable, they happen
  • Understanding the different types of errors is important to being a proficient programmer
  • To understand errors, programmers need to create testing schemes to ensure programs are working as intented Identifying and Correcting Errors practice