Unit 4 Notes
4.1 Notes on The Internet
4.1 Video 1
- As time evolved, computers became smaller
- computers are capable of sending and recieving data
- A computer system is a group of computing devices and programs working together for a joint purpose
- A computer network is a group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or recieving data, type of computing system
- Packet switching: message is broken up into files and sent in any order. the packets are reassembled by reciever’s device
- Routing is the process of finding a path from sender to reciever
- A path between two computing devices on a computer netqork (a sender and a reciever) is a sequence of directly connected computing devices that begins at the sender and ends at the reciever
- Bandwith: maximum amount of data that can be snet in a fixed amount of time on a computer network (bits/second)
4.1 Video 2
- Packet: small amount of data sent over a netqork. Each packet also includes the source and destination of the Data.
- protocol: agreed upon set of rules that specify the behavior of a system
- OSI: open systems interconnect: layers you have to go through to communicate (7 groups of protocols)
- TCP: establishes common standard for how to send messages
- Network Access Layer: Setting things up in the hardware, NIC card or wire. MAC address is unique to each card. uses binary
- INternet Protocol Layer (IP): Where the packets get set up with sender ip, reciever ip, metadata(contains information used for routing information).
- MAC address are used to transport message from sender ip to reciever ip